Rotary Club of Onondaga North

Onondaga North Rotary Club
District 7150
Onondaga North Rotary Club
District 7150
Rotary Club of Onondaga North
We seek to further the Rotary club mission of bringing together dedicated individuals to exchange ideas, build relationships, and take action in their communities. Through the commitment and work of our members, we strive to extend the reach of this young club and create a bigger impact in our projects, with the goal of creating a better Onondaga North community in which to live.
Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and non-religious organization. Membership is by invite and based on various social factors. There are over 46,000 member clubs worldwide, with a membership of 1.4 million individuals, known as Rotarians
Why Join
Rotary Club of Onondaga North?
In Joining?

There is no better place than a Rotary club where you meet people from diverse backgrounds who offer friendships and networking opportunities. Every Rotary club in the world, no matter how big or small, has one common trait — friendship. The Rotary Club of Onondaga North is one such club where those types of friendships and professional networking opportunities are formed. Local and global networking and friendships are the reasons our club members stay in Rotary. Rotarians are doers. As our Rotary’s vision statement proclaims, Rotarians want to live in “a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change.” That’s why you and your family should consider joining the Rotary Club of Onondaga North. We serve both local and international projects because we love to be engaged. Being a Rotarian is such an exciting and gratifying experience.
Fellowship provides opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Also, Fellowships serve as an incentive for attracting new members to Rotary and retaining our existing members. Indeed, Rotary Fellowship, together with the Rotarian Action Groups, serve as an effective tool in promoting membership development and should be actively promoted in our Districts.
Club Meetings:
We meet at the Community Bank on Route 31 in Clay, NY.
Meeting time is 6:00 pm
First three Wednesdays of every month.
Meet our Members!
Community Projects
Flags of Honor and Gratitude Project
To honor and thank Veterans, soldiers, police, firefighters, people who volunteer, family and friends, Onondaga North members organize and erect a field of waving American flags on the lawn of Wegmans on Route 57, in Liverpool, for two weeks around Veteran's Day. These flags are dedicated to those who, through Service Above Self, have made America and the World a better and safer place to live. This event is organized by Onondaga North and made possible by the generosity of those in the community who share this same honor and gratitude towards our veterans and community leaders. Onondaga North welcomes you to share the experience and invites you to participate by purchasing a flag for yourself, your family or your business.
All proceeds will go to local Veteran organizations and other local charities.
We have passed the deadline date of Oct. 10th, all flags ordered going
forward, will be flown in 2025!
Syracuse Nationals
One of the most iconic events of Summer in Central New York is the visting of the Syracuse Nationals. Not only is the event a spectacular display of vintage and collector cars, but it is also dedicated to supporting the local community through charitable donations. In 2014, the event raised $98,000 for charity, with $68,000 going to the Syracuse Ronald McDonald House. Onondaga North, teaming with other local service clubs, supports the Nationals by organizing and manning the Nationals' annual picnic. Thousands of hungry patrons come to enjoy the food, music and Oneida Shores Park.
Come support Onondaga North RC
and the Syracuse Nationals at the NYS Fairgrounds this year!
Books for the World
Books for the World is a project of participating Rotary clubs of the USA and Southern Africa. The project started from a few Rotary districts to Rotary District 9300 in South Africa and now has spread across the USA and throughout Southern Africa. The governments of Southern Africa face the challenge of growing populations and new, underdeveloped economies, leaving the public and private school systems with very few books to educate their youth.
With the emphasis on literacy in Rotary, Onondaga North RC's participation in the Rotary Books for the World project is an easy and natural service project to support the international community.